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Extended Emotes

Extended emotes are a system that allows one to directly reference objects or other players in the world itself for a much greater sense of flexibility in the midst of roleplay. There are also a myriad of other features, which are detailed below:

* Replaces with your name. If there is no * in your emote, your name is automatically tacked on to the beginning.
*1 Replaces with your first name.
*2 Replaces with your last name.

-thing Matches to an object in the room. There is no space between the dash and the name. If you only want to use a player's first name, just stick a 1 after their name. If you capitalize your match string, it will appropriately capitalize the matching object. Examples:
-albori1 would be replaced by "Albori"
-toast would be replaced by "a slice of toast" if there is a slice of toast in the room
-Toast would be replaced by "A slice of toast" if there is a slice of toast in the room.
~thing Functions in much the same way as - except it will strip 'a' or 'an' off the beginning of an object's name.
It's worth noting that you cannot use another player as the very first item in an emote. Allowing this would create confusion when people thought that the player you were referencing was performing an action that they were not. For example: "-merugle gives * an enthusiastic high-five!" Using -merugle as the first word would not work because it would look like a standard emote from Merugle.

%he / %himself / %his / %him / %hiss - Replaces with the appropriate word for the appropriate person. These are fairly straightforward with the exception of %hiss, which refers to 'his' to the room and 'yours' to the person the emote is directed toward.

Alternatively, you can use %they, %them, %their, %theirs, and %themselves.

If you reference multiple objects or people (using dash thing, as described above), you can specify who you're talking about by adding a number after the %his. So for example, if I say: "-albori twirled -merugle, who pushed -lazurus, who ate a sandwich." you would refer to Albori with %he, Merugle with %she2 (or %he2, it doesn't matter), and Lazurus with %he3.

If you capitalize %he, %himself, %his, %him, etc, it will appropriately capitalize the replacement. Example:
shakes -fred. %He2 is shaken.
Albori Isahost Sninvel shakes Fred Quantultoniel McElk. He is shaken.

* NOTE * Because of ambiguity issues (for example, his /him vs her / her), you should always use %him or %his instead of %her. Sorry ladies! (Don't worry, it'll get the right gender no matter which one you use.)

%{list} will allow you to randomize a very basic list of words. Spaces won't work (for the time being) anywhere between the {}'s, so it is an extremely crude facility for randomization. But it should suffice for now.
Example: %{a,list,of,words,goes,here}

Additionally, you can save your extended emotes for later by creating custom socials. Simply type @custom-socials and follow the prompts to store emotive strings as custom commands for easy access.

It's also possible to pipe a command through with your extended emote, effectively allowing you to override the standard output of that command. For example, if you want to stand up in a spectacular fashion, you can override the stand command. To do so, you simply add a pipe character ('|') to the end of your text and then the command you want to execute. For example:

*'s eyes widen in shock. He wobbles unsteadily before collapsing to the ground at -fred's feet. | collapse fred
Albori Vanishing Point Sninvel's eyes widen in shock. He wobbles unsteadily before collapsing to the ground at Fred Quantultoniel McElk's feet.

A full list of commands can be found by typing 'emote pipes'. If you combine command piping with @custom-socials, the output of your commands will no longer be visible to you with your new emote. In the above example, you would no longer see yourself collapsing at Fred's feet, as the social took over that output.

For players who don't like the command piping system, you can enable a ROOM-OPTION to always show the output of standard commands regardless of what social a player used.

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